Blockchain Ideation and Hackathon at Global 2020 Summer Azure DataFest

Blockchain Ideation and Hackathon at Global 2020 Summer Azure DataFest

I am hosting a blockchain ideation & hackathon for the next virtual Azure DataFest scheduled for July 2

Blockchain. Where are we with this on hype cycle? My MTC colleagues and I will be hosting a Blockchain Ideation and Hackathon session on July 2 at the virtual Global 2020 Summer Azure DataFest. Sign up now!! dl


Companies in every industry are building blockchain applications and asking their business partners to integrate with them. Are you ready to build a blockchain application when your CEO comes asking? Blockchain is transforming forward-thinking companies. Now is the time to understand the technology and build a strategy.

This is a full day session geared to both business leaders and technologists. We begin by briefly discussing what blockchain is and what are good and bad use cases. We will split into teams to discuss a business use case applicable to any industry. The remainder of the day will be hacking and coding our solution, geared to developers and data professionals.

This is a hands-on hackathon. You will need a computer with the ability to install software (linux, mac, windows is acceptable). You do not need to have previous blockchain or coding experience. You will also need access to an Azure subscription to spin up the blockchain solution.

Are you convinced your data or cloud project will be a success?

Most companies aren’t. I have lots of experience with these projects. I speak at conferences, host hackathon events, and am a prolific open source contributor. I love helping companies with Data problems. If that sounds like someone you can trust, contact me.

Thanks for reading. If you found this interesting please subscribe to my blog.

case-study data architecture workshop Design Thinking