certain number of nodes without bringing your database down. Also, additional nodes with partial (or complete) copies of data also gives you a performance boost when querying.
There is also something called a "control node" in Vertica. You always have at least one control node but you can have many if your cluster is huge or geographically dispersed. The control node can also migrate to other nodes automatically if the control node goes down without any DBA intervention. The control node is the traffic cop. As queries are submitted to Vertica the control node sends the requests to other nodes (...similar to Map...) to collect data and return it to the control node which then does any final calculations before returning the data to the requestor (...similar to Reduce in MapReduce). All nodes run a process called "spread" which assigns nodes to be the control node if you haven't configured it yourself.
"K-safety" is how Vertica measures fault tolerance and is the key to understanding the node-to-data relationship. Let K equal the number of replicas of the data in a given cluster. This is not the same as the number of nodes. The more K-safety you have the more nodes can fail without impacting performance or having the db go offline. When a node comes back online it will automatically recover just like a failed disk in a RAID 5 array. The failed node queries neighboring nodes for missing data. The recovery status can be queried using the Management Console which we'll install and look at in a future post.
The "K" can be 0, 1, or 2 and depends on your physical design. You don't want to screw up your design and end up with something that isn't as k-safe as you planned, not to mention not as performant. The Database Designer (again, we'll cover this in a future post) helps you by noting your design's K-safety level. It offers suggestions on how to improve your k-safety and can even help you convert your existing design to be either more or less k-safe depending on your needs.
The formula for K-safety is simple: to get K-safety you must have AT LEAST 2K+1 nodes.
So, to have a K-safety of 2 (in other words, you want to survive 2 nodes going down simultaneously) you must have AT LEAST 5 nodes. Vertica only officially supports K=2. For argument's sake, if you really wanted K=3 you would need 7 total nodes, minimum.
So, how does data get to the other nodes?
Unlike distributing data in SQL Server which ALWAYS requires DBA intervention (be it replication, log shipping, readable secondaries) everything is automatic in Vertica. You simply add a statement to the CREATE PROJECTION clause telling Vertica how to handle the sharding. You have 2 choices:
indicates that the buddy projection for a given node will be available on the next neighboring node in the cluster. All of this k-safety stuff probably sounds complicated and it is easy to screw it up if you go off-the-reservation and do something that the Database Designer did not recommend for you. Even if YOU think you should be at k-safety = 2, that doesn't mean Vertica agrees with you.
SELECT current_fault_tolerance FROM system;
will show you your current k-safety. If it isn't what you expected just rern the Database Designer.
Fault Groups
None of this K-safety stuff matters if all of your nodes are in the same rack and that rack loses power. This is a "correlated failure" and is a function of externalities. If this happens you certainly can't blame Vertica for your stupidity. In Vertica you can define your own fault groups to give Vertica hints to understand these correlated failure points better and influence its activities accordingly. For instance, defining a fault group will also let you smartly define control nodes. You wouldn't want all of your nodes to be in one rack and your control node to be connected to a different switch in a rack on the other side of your data center.
When half of your cluster nodes fail, your cluster fails, regardless of your K-safety. But it's common to have buddy projections on many nodes in your cluster. If possible it is best if those buddy projections/nodes have as little shared infrastructure as possible. Say for instance, SAN storage. If you have multiple SANs (or even VM hosts) you want those buddy projections to be as separate as possible for DR and performance reasons. Fault groups are the ticket for all of this.
What is the catalog?
When you install Vertica you must provide catalog and data directories and the path must be identical on all nodes. The catalog directory stores all of the metadata about your database; basically everything except your actual data. The catalog is akin to the PRIMARY filegroup in SQL Server although it contains many files. It holds the system tables, data about your nodes, snapshots, file locations, etc.
The catalog files are replicated to all nodes in a cluster whereas the data files are unique to each node. Vertica uses lots of files to store its data. Once a file is written to it is never altered, which makes recovery quite easy. Vertica simply needs to copy missing files to the recovering node from any other node with the necessary replicated data or buddy projections. Since files are never altered Vertica has no concept of FiLLFACTOR or PCTFREE. Since files are columnstores it is guaranteed that neighboring data will have the same datatype, therefore Vertica's abilty to encode and compress data is absolutely amazing. As mentioned in the last post, this becomes a challenge when deleting data. Since files are never altered Vertica uses "delete vectors" which are markers as to which rows in which files should be discarded during query execution. At certain intervals a background process will rewrite files to purge data that was deleted.
This post was a quick overview of Vertica's physical architecture. Hopefully you learned about some really cool features like buddy projections that guarantee that your data is safe even if you lose a few nodes. Let's say you are a SQL Server Guy, like most of my readers. You may be wondering why you would want to learn about Vertica if you have no plans to implement it. I find it fascinating to learn about competing technologies to help me understand limitations in the solutions I work with that I didn't previously understand. This makes us all a bit more well-rounded. In the next post we'll cover installing Management Console which is the GUI for Vertica.
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