PerformanceCollector AddIns

How do the AddIns Work?

There are a series of procedures named PerformanceCollector.Addin*. PerformanceCollector.RunAddIns is tickled every 5 minutes from the SQL Agent AddIns job. This proc builds a cursor over ANY entry in PerformanceCollector.Config that is enabled and runs it.

The AddIns procedures are responsible for determining when the given AddIn is actually supposed to run (every 8 hours, once a day, etc). It determines this from querying PerformanceCollector.Config. It then calls the actual worker proc if it needs to.

AddIns are responsible for populating the other tables in the PerformanceCollector schema.  The following tables store the performance metrics that I find most interesting.  Each table is structured so the first columns are CurrTime and ServerName. This aids in troubleshooting. You can  aggregate all of this data across multiple customers/instances to do trending in a centralized repository.

PerformanceCollector Object NameDefault Runtime IntervalPurpose
AdHocPlanCacheBloat7 HoursLogs single-use ad-hoc query plans that are a total waste of plan cache space. If this is really big then the solution is to run 'optimize for ad hoc workloads' which reclaims all of the memory and makes sure that ad hoc plans are not fully cached. This is a "analyze once" script. Once you've enabled 'optimize for ad hoc' then you are done and you can disable this AddIn. But we run this in case a new framework (ruby seems susceptible) is deployed which causes a radical increase in ad hoc plans. You can also use the text to determine where you are not doing parameterized queries correctly.
BufferStats5 HoursGathers stats on the counts and size of each object in the buffer cache.  Larger values for some objects might mean a new index is required.  
Config Using this table you can configure certain AddIns to NOT run or change their schedule.  
DeadlockSnapshot4 HoursShows all deadlocks that have occurred and tries to decode the deadlock XML to show the Victim and Survivor and what they were doing. Please note that there is a lag time between when a deadlock occurs and when it is decoded here that could be AT MOST 8 hours. You can manually run the Deadlock AddIns to do the decoding at any time if you really need to see up-to-the-minute deadlock data.
IndexBlocking4 HoursLogs the amount of time each index is spent in a blocking/waiting state.  Useful to determine if better indexes may be needed.  
IndexesFromQueryPlanDtls Not yet implemented. This will read the missing indexes from the query plans instead of relying on the DMVs. This seems to be far more accurate. This will list the TotalCost (somewhat nebulous) as well as the table and index columns that the optimize believes would be beneficial.
IndexesFromQueryPlansSummary Not yet implemented. An aggregate of the the Dtls table that quickly shows the best indexes to be created.
IOStalls7 HoursLists the IOStalls metrics by database and filetype.  See more at [[Monitoring Disk Latencies with PerformanceCollector]]
MissingIndexes4 HoursSnaps the sys.dm_db_missing_index* DMVs. However, there is a better way to do this that looks just at cached query plans (see IndexesFromQueryPlanDtls). Even so, this will show every egregious examples of missing indexes.
PageLifeExpectancies5 minsLogs the PLEs for the instance.  
PerfCounters1 HourGathers instance-level perf counters in EAV format for aggregation later.  
PlanCacheMetrics7 hoursLogs stored proc stats (reads/writes/CPU/duration) by Metric.  By looking at procs that overlap the different metrics you can quickly determine what you should be focus on when you are looking for performance problems.
-- Top Cached SPs By Execution Count 
-- Top Cached SPs By Avg Elapsed Time
-- Top Cached SPs By CPU
-- Top Cached SPs By Total Logical Reads
-- Top Cached SPs By Total Physical Reads
-- Top Cached SPs By Total Logical Writes
PlanTypeStats7 Hourssimilar to AdHocPlanCacheBloat. This will show you the breakdown of adhoc vs prepared vs proc, etc. the USE_COUNT will show you if parameterization is working for you.
PossibleBadIndexes4 HoursLogs cases where writes>reads. This may mean the index can be dropped. But you must understand your workload. However, if Total Reads is ZERO then you can generally drop that index. Unless you have a year-end process that needs it or some other edge case where the index is only needed occassionally.
TempDBLogWatch5 minsLists transactions and query plans that are using more than 50MB of tempdb log space.
TempDBUsage5 minsShows spids and statements that are using more than 50MB of tempdb space.

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