[[LLC Vs S Corp]]...covers a few of the methods you can use to organize your business.
[[Some Tax Basics For IT Consultants|Next Post...Some Tax Basics]]...handles some tax terms you probably were not aware of if you have always been a W-2 employee.
[[Tax Procedures]]...covers how taxing works mechanically for the self-employed organized as an S Corp
[[Business Expenses]]...covers various business expenses an independent IT consultant can expect.
[[Home Office Deduction]]...don't fear it, it is your friend when you fully understand it.
[[Health Insurance Premiums]]...how to handle these effectively as an S Corp
[[Life Insurance Premiums]]...how to handle these most effectively as a business owner.
[[Hiring Your Family]]...if you pay your kids an allowance here is an interesting method to save some tax dollars in the process
[[SIMPLE IRAs]]...and how they can really help you maximize your tax situation.
[[Independent Consulting Summary]]...summarizes everything I have learned so far.
Dave Wentzel CONTENT
independent consulting